Central Asia SDG Platform
Explore SDG trends and themes in countries of Central Asia Kazakhstan,
Turkmenistan, and
Central Asia data for the Sustainable Development Goals
Browse goals to discover trends in Central Asia and beyond
Why Central Asia SDG Platform?
The countries of Central Asia have committed to achieve the 2030 Agenda and integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their national plans. This Platfrom has been developed to contribute to sustainable development through a knowledge-sharing and collaboration in Central Asia (project implemented by UNDP, funded by EU). The platform supporting countries in tracking progress in SDGs, tracking key socio-economic policies, modelling scenarios for SDG pathways, identifying accelartion points through systemic view, and promoiting integrated approaches for SDGs financing. Achieveing SDGs is a joint effors, requiring partnerships and whole-of-society approach. Parliaments and Governments, Private Sector and Academia, Civil Society have a role to play in achieveing SDGs. Most of the progress happens at local level, in towns and communities, that’s why Localization of SDGs is a task. Countries of Central Asia are actively taking stock of progress through Voluntary National Reviews and a number of Voluntary Local Reviews are currently in prepartion. This rich body of knowlegde and commong and often shared problems is Central Asia call for cooperation and knowldege exchange.